
FPSC Honours 15 Planners

Financial Planning Standards Council (FPSC) announced the 2012 recipients of the Fellow of FPSC. The distinction is conferred on individuals who have helped Canadians improve their lives by engaging in financial planning. Read article here.

How Seg Funds Can Be an Estate Planning Tool

As many Canadians start to exit the accumulation phase of their lives and commence planning for retirement and beyond, what strategies serve them best? For advisors and these clients, segregated funds are becoming an increasingly attractive option – especially for estate-planning purposes. Read article here.

Financial Peace of Mind

​You have a financial destination in mind, however, you may have questions you need answered to help you get there.

We provide you with a Financial Road Map by guiding you through the complex maze of financial options and work with you so you can take control of your finances and achieve your goals and dreams.

You have questions and we have the answers. What is holding you back? We are here to help.