Heather Holjevac, CFP, CDFA, EPC
FP Canada™ Fellow
Financial Planner
Financial Literacy Advocate

Heather Holjevac is an award-winning CFP,  financial planner and featured speaker who over the past 30 years, has worked in the financial industry to provide thousands of families and professionals in Canada with the education and tools to improve their financial literacy.

In June 2019, after being nominated for the Wealth Professional IFSE inaugural Institute’s Financial Literacy Champion Award, Heather made the decision to go independent and founded the Holjevac Financial Group. This has allowed her to continue her focus on her passion of educating a diverse set of individuals, improving financial literacy and empowering women to achieve financial independence, as well as providing complete financial peace of mind.

After she watched her mother struggle following a divorce with little financial planning support, she knew there had to be better options. Through the extensive financial education offered through the CFP (Certified Financial Planner™) designation, which Heather completed in 1996, the CDFA (Certified Divorce Financial Analyst) designation completed in 2008 and the EPC (Elder Planning Counsellor) designation in 2010 and working with various financial institutions, Heather was able to research effective ways to help individuals and families, so they wouldn’t have to go through the same financial hardships. Many of Heather’s clients are boomers, busy caregivers and women who are transitioning to retirement, suddenly single due to divorce or death of a spouse or downsizing their home.

Heather’s focus is on assisting these individuals with solutions to these major life decisions.  She assists with Caregiver Assistance Planning, Disability Tax Credit, Downsizing, and Relocation, Job loss analysis/Severance Planning, Cash Flow, Tax Minimization, Retirement, Divorce and Estate Planning. Heather thoroughly understands that building wealth goes well beyond your investment portfolio.

Heather’s skills and style further lend themselves to helping women at various stages of their lives, such as divorce, dealing with the death of a spouse or being a single parent. She continues to be an enthusiastic advocate for financial issues that affect women.


Tax, Retirement and Estate Planning

The pairing of Heather’s extensive knowledge in Tax, Retirement and Estate Planning with her Financial Planning Process, uniquely qualifies her to help you at any stage of your life and in any financial situation.

Heather is involved in several networking associations, whose mandates are to further the interests of women. These include the Positive Fabulous Women and the Universal Women’s Network, which are supported by the Annual Toronto Women’s Expo. She is also involved in many community groups working with and assisting Boomers, Caregivers and seniors.

Heather speaks at various seminars, including ones offered by the Arthritis Society, the Alzheimers’ Society, and the Toronto Public Library. She also participates in the Ask the Expert Series, “Boomers on the Move”. Through her continued focus on Education Seminars, Heather was awarded the FP Canada Fellow Distinction in 2012. She is one of approximately 70 CFP individuals who have been awarded this distinction, out of over 17,000 CFP’s across Canada. This award was established to recognize CFP’s who have made an outstanding contribution to further FP Canada’s mandate, which is to lead the advancement of professional Financial Planning in Canada.

About Heather

Heather was born and raised in Saint John, New Brunswick, and continues to assist her elderly parents living there. She lives in Mississauga, Ontario with her husband, and she has two adult children. Her son, TJ, works in the music industry and remains at home, while her daughter, Elizabeth, works with the Federal Government and lives in Ottawa. Heather’s favourite activities include walking, reading, traveling, theatre and spending weekends with family and friends at her second home in Sauble Beach.

Ready to Connect?

Call us at 416-527-2553 or email info@heatherholjevac.com or just use the form below. We look forward to hearing from you.

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