Heather Holjevac, CFP, CDFA, EPC

FP Canada™ Fellow
Financial Planner
Financial Literacy Advocate

At Holjevac Financial Group we specialize in working with boomers, busy caregivers and women who are transitioning, whether it be determining when to retire and wanting to know if you have enough, downsizing your home or finding yourself suddenly single due to divorce or death of a spouse, or if you just want a second opinion on your financial situation.

Your specific situation is reviewed, first determining your priorities and goals and then using a 5-step process to analyze your:

  1. Cash Flow
  2. Debt/Asset Efficiency
  3. Tax Planning
  4. Risk Management
  5. Investment Management/Review
  6. Estate Planning.

After a thorough review of these 6 important areas, your specific Financial Plan will be developed to provide you with your blueprint for moving forward, ensuring all of your financial planning opportunities are addressed.

Financial Planning Process

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Holjevac Financial Planning Process

Our Financial Planning Service Offers


  Caregiver Assistance Planning, including Disability Tax Credit

  Downsizing, & Relocation Planning

  Severance/Job Loss Analysis

  Cash Flow Planning

  Tax Minimization

  Retirement Planning

  Divorce Financial Planning

  Estate Planning

Financial Peace of Mind

You have a financial destination in mind, however, you may have questions you need answered to help you get there.

We provide you with a Financial Road Map by guiding you through the complex maze of financial options and work with you so you can take control of your finances and achieve your goals and dreams.

You have questions and we have the answers. What is holding you back? We are here to help.

Who We Assist

Our role is to give expert financial advice and assistance to help you reach your financial goals.

What financial questions do you have and need answered? Take a look and see who we assist, the questions we help answer and the solutions we provide.

The Caregiver Dilemma – managing, coping and caring for aging parents

How do I cope and manage caring for my aging parents?How do I help them with their finances? What benefits do we qualify for? Do I qualify for the Disability tax credit?

To ease the Caregiver Dilemma we provide assistance for caregivers of seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia in completing the required paperwork and filings to maximize any government benefits as it relates to the Disability Tax Credit and related tax planning. This can often be a confusing time and we assist with helping you understand all of your options.

I am thinking of moving. What do I need to know before I make a move?

Should or stay or should I go? This is a common question asked, along with “should I stay in my current home or make a move?” Will I be better off by downsizing?

These are very personal and emotional decisions and there are many things to consider. We can assist you to find the solution that works best for you. Take a look at our 7 Simple Tips Checklist to help you make the decision to Stay or Go.

I lost my job. Is my Severance fair? Will I be OK?

If you have lost your job or are retiring early, we will assist you in determining if your severance package is sufficient to maintain your retirement plan and make recommendations to maximize this benefit. This will factor in salary continuance or lump sum, benefits and federal and provincial government regulations.


How Do I Get Control Of My Cashflow?

We work with you to review and support your cash flow and spending needs. Cash flow planning helps you figure out how to best allocate your monthly and annual income between savings and spending. An important part of saving is creating an emergency fund so you will have money readily available to cover unforeseen situations.

When can I retire? Will I outlive my money?

Based on your current situation and future income sources, we will work together to help you determine when you can retire, how much you will need and if you have enough, how much you can spend, and help you create a customized plan to ensure you reach your retirement income needs and timeline goals on your terms.

I am getting divorced. How do I make sure I get the best financial settlement?

We will develop a specialized financial strategy to assist you in achieving the best possible divorce settlement for your personal situation. The goal of divorce financial planning is to make you fully aware of your options, the true value of assets and how your decisions in a divorce will impact your finances. We will work with you and your lawyer to protect you and your future, and minimize mistakes and emotional stress that you may encounter along the way.


How do I set up my will to pass on my assets so my children will be OK? “ Do I need a Power of Attorney”?

Almost everyone needs some form of estate planning, we work with you to identify, recommend and prepare you to manage your assets in the event of your incapacitation or death with the appropriate documentation and beneficiary designations, including Henson Trusts. This planning includes recommendations on how to leave your assets in a tax-efficient manner and what is involved in an estate settlement.

We work with you and your lawyer to ensure your estate plan and will preserve the value of your assets, reduces unnecessary taxes and expenses, ensures that your heirs receive what you intended them to receive, manages your assets for you and your heirs in the event of disability or incapacitation.